Monday 20 July 2009

Call of Juarez:Bound in blood 'Quick' Review [xbox360]

Simple and quickly, CoJ : Bound in blood is a good game. Its not great but its far from pathetic.
You follow two brothers Ray [The revrand from the first game] and Thomas. You follow these brothers through a quest for revenge and gold. Yup gold
The story is good, not great. Starts off pretty weak but towards the end of its 6-7hr long campaign it does get quite engaging. I like me some westerns, i really do. I think this would have been a great film, and they do have a very cinematric view on it all.
Basically though there where three good things that kept me playing.
The Good...
1. The gunfights, are amazing you get to choose between the two brothers at the start of each mission and Ray is by far the best. Ray uses dual guns. Where as Thomas can use knives and a bow for stealth kills. Stealth Pshhh!
2. The achievements are pretty easy. First play through i ended up with nearly 700 points.
3. The Soundtrack isnt bad.
The Bad...
The story is short, and even though you can choose between the two brothers there isnt really any change in the path. Aslo theres no multi player Co-op, which considering the context of the game and the age we are in now. Kinda dumb!
And The Ugly...
The grapthics are pretty bad, and they dont really animate all that well. Just kinda annoyed me alittle not seeing the emotions in the faces, even though they tried.

Not really got into the multiplayer as of yet, but will update after i have had a few hours play.