Thursday 19 February 2009

Alone in the dark review [Xbox 360]

Am I alone here?

don't wanna write a review full of moments
like 'Shut up bitch with your naggin bout a few glitches' ¬¬ well i just did then but lets ignore that!

Alone in the dark, a game that has irritated me, made me shout out load and wanna slam my controller to the ground. But first let's talk about what most people consider to be important these days, the grapthics. The grapthics are damn nice, from the rotting torn up flesh on the enemies to the burnt wood that falls to ashes as you touch it. The only problam i have is that the dinamic lighting effects don't always seem rite and the interior of the cars look bland [though I am kind of 'nit pickin' there!]

Ok so the story? What little story there is, happens to be ok. There's alittle too much cursing and S%&t , just dont need it :/ The speed of the game [story wise] is solid, slowly feeding you information; and the scene where you have the 'ghostly visions' damn kool oO The Camera angles through out the game are amazing, showing you what you need and/want to see. Though at times it can be annoying having to suddenly change direction before you fall off cliffside.
The effects that they have been raving about, the way fire moves and how you can use it was great, using a burning axe to disspose of the enemies however...hmmm not that fun, the controls aren't that good.

This is where we get to the bad stuff :/ Controlling the character is annoying. It has the classic resident evil 'Tank Movement' which 'is' fine, but it seems even slower than normal. The thing that really got me was when going from this 'Tank Movment' to change into first person and use your gun, the controls suddenly change to a normal FPS. It just didn't feel rite to command all this movement all of a sudden.

BAD!!! The reason why i wanted to bite off my fingers is because of the driving scenes, and well driving in general! It just doesn't feel rite at all! Infact it is just horrid! Even though you're in a car, something with no weight maybe a small curb or rock would cause the car to go flying. And yes, there are glitches in the game. The glitches and the driving can kill this game for people. But i beg of thee, give it a go.

Is it worth your money paying 40quid? No. However i would reccomend renting, the main reason being the achievements aren't too hard to achieve.

3/5 Rent it, Don't buy it




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